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Chapter 5: Black briefing syntetic medicine
Then easy possible understand that more deep study of the problem has required many years of the work and has caused need of the writing multiple volumes scientific works. As conclusions professor Lui Brouer wants that we all-his readers have well adopted following: " all medication must be considered as potentially dangerous.
" producers medicine follow solely to be got from sale medicine incom.
" аллопатическая medicine completely depends on pharmaceutical laboratoriy..
" laboratory and alopatic medicine are found under state protection, since their interests in многом coincide.
" any scientific opening in the field of the general medicine or introducing the new equipment in this sphere works at system, created three partners ( the laboratory, аллопатическая medicine, state) and is doomed on failure even if it is recognized the most efficient.
" for the sake of supports of this system three partner go on hiding result test or treatments, on constant malinformation of the broad circle of the population. They go on large machinations, trying thereby to avoid the pressures on the part of special groups, formed from employee of the public institutions, journal, presses, televisions, university and other scientific prospectors.
So hide and possibility of the treatment of the asthma by medicinalless method Buteyko - shall add we... The Professor Lui Brouer notices that many find in this its advantage, except that, who this concerns directly: sick and society as a whole. Possible comply with that that society of the west type, in spite of high level of the civilizations, is able adherence to unusual phenomenas and known faith in miracle
Sick expects from medicine VWVbehave oddly. Considers his as magic veschestvo., which must cure immediately. Herewith he does not do on itself no effort to understand the reasons of its ill and proceed with his treatment natural facility, which require the greater expenses of time and more patiences. If Nataliya Petrovna could in due course read these truthful words remarkable scientist - a physician, that insofar her was easier fight сосвоим the ill not even knowing of method Buteyko else! Here after all it is important direction of the thoughts itself sick... If he considers that treatment of the asthma not method Buteyko, as follows ядовитыми chemical medicine there is the most best way to здоровью, that this one. Herewith sick thinks that he-that, in general-that dialect, all on lifes did it is correct, change nothing no need in lifestyle him.
But heavy disease fall down on it itself. Well simply from nowhere... So attitude sick to its disease defines the half of the success and possibility of his curing. Well visualize. The Persons smokes on cigarette pack at day, but that and more. The Nicotine possesses the сосудосуживающими characteristic. Our smoking sick since time graps for heart and for light. And runs to physician. The Heart, breakwater, is sik and shortness of breath tormented.
Herewith smoking sick wants only one- to him give ядовитые tablets, which remove the pains in heart and liquidate the shortness of breath... But smoke-that he as before is going to more packs at day! Here is say honestly and frankly, place;put;lay hand on heart,- possible by means of ядовитых chemical tablets to return such sick health?
Yes no, certainly !! What there health. Even treatment of the asthma medicinalless by method Buteyko will require from sick cessation of the smoking... But... he does not want to throw to smoke! Well does not want and all deal!! That then? Then physician draws him expensive poisonous chemical medicine. And speaks that their follows to drink each god's day on three tablets. Health-that medicine is not returned. They for time silence warmhearted pain and, having increased bronhiols from spasm, will take away the shortness of breath. But this after all was all protection moves of the organism!
The Professor Lui Brouer notes that like consumer society irrevocable moves to its ruins. Since it promotes appearance following populations:
" sick, condition which steadily grows worse in consequence of constant acceptance dangerous for health medication.
" personalities, which become to be sick as a result of consumptions tranquillizer and untidepressant, vaccines and antibiotic, oppressing immun system.
" parents, which will send its children genes, subjected to action toxic substance and different vaccines. Thereby, these parents deliver the society frail essence, as well as physical and mental invalid, who becomes the uncountable ensemble and which present itself significant burden for society.
Yes. The Treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko in principle does not give such complications... Knew Nataliya Petrovna about these conclusion of the known professor of medicine!! She-that after all антидепрессантами to use occasionly happened to... But as do not fall into depression, when fit of the asthma follows the fit, but reliefs not even see!
! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !
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