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Destinies of asthmatics I already and to family am not necessary...
(Destiny the first)
Part third chapter 1: Dzherolamo Kardano will not go on campfire of the inquisition
Nataliya Petrovna was have to drink prescribed ostensibly for treatment of the asthma medicines, prescribed that physicians, which are obliged were know and about treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko... After all order Minzdrava No 591 from April 1985 nobody did not canceal...
Matveeva on own organism felt that all these theophedrines and euphulines before good do not not bring. But alternatives beside it until was. Yes and little that she knew in that time about таблеточной of the mafias... On scientific expressing about mafias pharmaceutical. About mafias food too nowhere on fence was not written. But both these mafias poisoned the life a thousand and thousand of people! Did their sick and wretch. For their hard-earned money!!
Only much years after- in distant 1999 m year will leave the book of the professor Lui Brouera "Pharmaceutical and food mafia". And will leave this truthful book not beside us, not in Russia. No! For the first time she will is typed only in distant Canada. In it big specialist and physician, professor of medicine with unassailable facts in hands will show- profit or harm carry us medicine tablets...
The Treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko or traditional facilities in any event is deal important and responsible. But... The Method Buteyko - is a method medicinallesss! Consequently to harm the organism he can not... Can Not by means of pesticide to destroy your liver, buds. But here is medicine? The Physician draws you next complex preparation and speaks that here is this medicine-one of the most latest. Will Without fall help. Take on three tablets at day!
However, himself-that physician this medicine does not produce.... Does Not mix forming components, does not check them on authenticity and correspondence to taken standards. All that performs the pharmaceutical companies. But as is a deal is in these company with probity and reliability? About this it is possible to read straight on u-turn of the cover of the book of the professor of medicine Lui Brouer. And here is that is there said:
"In proposed book known french scientist, doctor of the medical sciences Lui Brouer on base unchallengeable facts proves, what by temporary medicine manages small, but omnipotent group oligarch, costing at the head large chemist-pharmaceutical companies."
The Pretty statement on cover of the book! Nothing will not say... About what then prospect of the treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko possible to speak if method-that is medicineless!! But modern medicine, is got, control not academicians of medicine, but small circle oligarch- leaders chemist-pharmaceutical companies...
The Regard, uncle Vasya. Yes who in such reek will allow the poor ordinary physician to prescribe you for treatment of the asthma practically cheap medicineless method Buteyko, when beside meat loaf of medicine cost the director pharmaceutist companies...
Yes this uzh it is necessary to be a full глупцом to reckon for such nobility with their sides! Not therefor they and have got up at the head these factories medicine that us cured the medicineless way... Here and hedgehog understandable that so mighty medicinal fabricants will use whole its power, power and enormous money that any fetter once and for ever discredit powerful medicineless method!! He beside them as thorn in the side. Yes they sooner agree to chop off itself hand, than will give the green light a method Buteyko! The Treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko such people to greet not will. But will read further in line, stood straight on cover this consealed books.
Turns out to be, this group above named oligarch manages, due to stupendous financial facility, select the necessary government, politician, chapters of the medical institutions. The Author comes to stunning conclusion that bigwigs chemical, pharmacological industry and аgricultural sector has prepared something look like cabal... On cabal, which possible compare to the present genocide: than more sick people, that more prosper the oligarches, managing medicine of the west world. And nor one of the government, to what nations it did not belong to, never dares to put(deliver) on card economic and political balance its state for the sake of conservations of health of the people.
Here is this advertisment!... We, signifies, on television set rub in VWVtake in that all governments the only thing do that take care of good of its folk. А on deal-that, leaves, returned all us on tax farming tablet mafia! Here is you and treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko!... Go-ka, fall, when around us manage the people of tablet oligarches. About if Nataliya Petrovna could read this book from crust before crust...
What only cos)s the description of the professor Lui Brouera increased to death-rate, in spite of acceptance even most dear medicines by inhabitants of the most successful from countries- loving and beateful to Switzerlands...
Nobody on shovel these findings honored professor of medicine did not present. He happened to their literally dig by means of clever methods re-computation. And here is as professor this describes. " One, spends their own money on aquisition medication, must be absolutely certain that this will come to good. (The Reasonable remark, not truth!).
Consequently, appears the question, but as correlation between medicine and result cost of the treatment for average person IШвейцарии, costs which on aquisition medicine went up to 80%, and which, besides, pays its medical insurance. And not only pays the insurance, but also entrusts its health to medical institutions of the country. The Answer is on this question possible to find in statistical given Federal agency of the statistics in Berne, which brings the factor to death-rate as a result of diseases. To give the proper pricing presented data, it is necessary to take into account the level of the change to number of the population of the country. Is it Below brought numerals, reflecting change to number of the population of the country:
in 1910 population was 3млн 753 292 persons.
in 1930 - 4 млн 066400 persons in 1990-already 6 млн 837 687 persons
That is to say population to Switzerlands not even doubled since 1910 on that day. А since 1930 on 1990год increased whole on 50%. The Arithmetic it is enough forgive;pardon: if in 1930 10 patients were dead from disease H then at our days were to die 15 persons if situation remained unchangeable. And less 15 persons if she was vastly perfected...(The Good strict count gives the professor! The Treatment of the asthma by method Buteyko also rests in strict scientific calculation..). In this instance improvement to situations means that...
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