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The chapter the third: Dmitry Semenovich doubts

Here is, here is where extremely was a necessary treatment of the sugar diabetes by method Buteyko. But Dmitriy Semnovich,lived in Russia, else while about he did not know. But distant wretch islend people did not know more so... Ah as it is necessary was this insular state treatment sugar diabetes on method Buteyko!! As it him was necessary...

After all all population island state Tonga suffered the excessive weight. But excessive weight nearly one-hundred-percent brought about sugar diabetes."Civilization has brought with itself not only good, but also problems for population this earlier insulated insular state"

So began the article in journal, from which Dmitriy Semenovich and has learned;learnted of tragedies Tonga. " Tonga fights with spare weight". Exactly so author of the article Floor Rafael оnamed its material.

The Material, it is necessary to say, terrific. After all and from obesity, and from sugar diabetes suffer the millions of the people in the world. In kingdom Tonga lives whole-that one hundred thousand people. But these diseases were shown amongst them so brightly and terribly that even seagoing elbowrooms have not been able to cover in their own depth so horrible truth...

"On village Malapo sun sits in kingdom Tonga. On head will gravely fly gigantic winged. The Chilly breeze rustles the sheet of the coco palms". Here is so beautifully and interesting begins the tale a Flap Rafael about islend state Tonga.

The Treatment of the diabetes by method Buteyko, however, became urgent need and in these fairy-tale beautiful places...The grasshoppers there speek In herb. On tennis court author has noticed two dozens very full womans in elk skin from лайкры and t-shirt. They giggle, thronging beside portable weight in expectation of evening occupation on aerobics. The First on scales risks becomes instructor Vetch Tonga itself. Even beside instructor weight преогромный... The Scales strenous cry.

The Arrow does the rash circle on scale. And stops only on numeral 103 kilograms... If so much weighs the atheletic instructor, that how much weigh that, who she is called to drill for похудения?... The Result received on weight by its trainer, greet her(its) charge. Greet the exclamations and laughter.

"You too skinny, Vetch",- jests one of the womans. The Author of the article between line notices that this typical polynesian humour. Soon under твист Chubbs CHekera they get busy. Their person quickly redden. And breathe they so, as if ballyhoo the elephants. But теем not less majority manages to laugh and jest on itself on length sentry lesson. Reading all this, Dmitriy Semenovich and did not guess else that except profits like occupations carried and harm... only only later, when he разыщет for YUriya in интернете method Buteyko, he will understand in than was concluded this harm. But was concluded he in excessively deep breathing islend women during conducted occupations!!

This did not occur if treatment of the sugar diabetes or primary it) reasons- overweening obesity, occurred with the help of this своеобразной of the physical charging let, but... But strictly on method Buteyko! Then was not this ferocious breathing out these obesety islend-women, was not terribly ruinous overweening washing-out adviseable SO2 from their light. Reading this get old article, Dmitriy Semenovich could not, certainly, straight here is so reason since he did not yet on method Buteyko in internet. Itself-that this notion like sometime and heard en passant. But, as he was remembered, linked it more with treatment of the bronchial asthma. Before diabetes notion intimated him about method of the people then did not yet reach...

запись на обучение методу Бутейко

! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !

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запись на обучение методу Бутейко
Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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