Your references about of our site
"Respected Sergei Georgievich! I am sending that letter to you and as reference about of your site, and as my opinion about of your practical studies.
Your site inspired me (ex hospital nurse) to go to you on practical studies by Buteyko method.
I was born in 1946 year. I am 58 years old at now. I worked by hospital nurse many years on the war factory on the Urals . I received
there enormose dose of radioactive irradiation. And went on pension in 1991 year with very bad health (hardly living...). I leaved the Urals and
moved in Krasnodar region. I received heap of illnesses with dose irradiation on te war factory. Physicians rejected my stomach already here in Krasnodar town. Almost
precancerous swelling. My head went round constantly. Weakness. The heart beats madly, when I went little by the street. Blood pressure jumps now upwards,
now downwards. I read your site in that time. And I decided to attempt to learn practical studies. Although it was difficult to me (as hospital nurse) to believe that some
there breathing can cure stomach, heart and to stabilize blood pressure. I learned three days only. And I studied myself after that by your instructions.
That is simply surprisingly, of course, what changes happened with me literally for a few months... I spent such enormous money on medicines before that!
I spent 1000 roubles from of my pension in 1700 roubles in month... on tablets and powders. And what was sense? My sweeling in stomach increased only. And
now I simply sit on the chair and breathe. Not so long. Two-three times in the day by 15 minutes. But then! But then I am going past of drug-stores with proudly raised
head at now. I am no need in their expensive, useless and frequently false medicines at now! I am no need in its. It is simply wonderfully. I am going past of drug-store, putting
the brakes on automatically at it's the door, taking out the purse involuntaryly and... And lowering the purse back in handbag, leaving the drug-store behind.
So, it is, that habit on buying of tablets, works yet, but Buteyko method gives the possibility to go past of drug-store.
Repeated inspections in Krasnodar revealed sharp decrease of the swelling in the stomach. Dizzinesses reduced in a few times.
My heart does not jump out of the breast by going at now. I did not reach of all yet, of course. Atherosclerosis did not leaved me yet completely.
I am forgetting many things yet by previous. But I do not intend to leave the trainings. It is very pity, that many people are considering that
brathing is some trifle. And they are brathing perfectly abnormally. Tablet's medicine will not give to such people the possibility to tear themselves
from of it's tenacious embrace. I wish all the good to you! Continue the matter of the great Buteyko. It costs of that.
With respect to you. Ludmila Grigorievna Plotnikova Krasnodar region, Hadyshensk town Promislovaya str-t 32 flat 1"
Our respected readers! We placed here specially the reference of the man, which is not afraid to indicate his family name and address competely. It is
impossible to bublish such information in opened press as a rule. But Ludmila Grigorievna has no very convincingly to chare with us by your
opinion about the read site. Write to us please what do you like in that site and what do you not like in it. What do want to see yet on our following sites?
What is not good for you? What is concerning of you? Write to us frankly and in a friendly way. Perhaps our prices is not suitting for you? Write about of all to us. We
gave to you the very low prices on instruction and the average prices even, but a certain donation. Especially on practical instruction. The
complete course of instruction costs about $2500 for foreigneirs in the large centres of Russia at now. And it is no expencively for deliverance (even practical)
from of heap medicines. But you must write to us, if you are considering, that another sum will give more people. You may write about what diseases are
interesting for you personally. Perhaps, we can throw light on influense of Buteyko method on that diseases in our next sites. You must write to us by e-mail It is possible that we will make special push-button "your reference" in our site in the future. So let us to work together in friendly contact.
With respect to you authors of site Altoukhov Sergei Georgievich Altoukhov Konstantin Sergeevich
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