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Than terrible allergy itself? And that gives the treatment to allergies on method Buteyko

On light probably no person, whoever reek in its lifes did not face the allergy. Although in what or form. Personally I got acquainted with allergy of the years in 14ть. "Will give him on tablete analgin twice a day" - has said the physician my full-grown So she understood the treatment a disease. Thereafter passed already nearly fourty years. But I as presently litter small двенадцатиметровую room, in which we veins with my younger brother two together. The Table beside window. Polusumrak in room. The White siberian november snow for got dark to evening by window and become round turn white tablet with underbar band in the middle. Here is in medical encyclopedia is said that allergy approaches under the repeated acceptance аllergen. А beside me this repeated never was. perish the thought! For eye has been enough first times. I am take tablet to mouth, has chewed her and has swallowed. The Gosh you my that began! I seemed that blood already simmers in my vein. I rose with beds. Zabegal on room, as scalded. The Eye literally вылезали from orbits. They terribly itched, wildly reddened. The Lips up so, is woke;waked by their door прищемили. I wildly cried. Became to call on help of the parents. And absolutely could not quiet down. Could Not sit, lie. All my body changed in wad bare nerve.

"It is impossible him analgin. Beside it on it allergy" - peacefully, as about than-that workaday, has declared the physician arrived on call to ambulance. And nobody after all never has reduced them together. That, our district physician, which without any questions and check have drawn a little not sent me on that light tablet and here is this врачиху with ambulance, which himself made sure that created with me officially sold in drugstore "medicine". So on question - than terrible allergy itself I much well know the answer! Too well. Thereafter on all their own hospital card I forced straight overhand to write - "allergy on analgin". Well yes after all, the miscellaneouses be the events. Far from always all physicians in permanent establishment is remembered твою card.

I was 28 years, when I have fallen into infectious railway hospital with suspicion on opistorhoz. This such fish hookworms. And here is in this-that the most infectious hospital nice nurse once again gave me some tablet. The Litter that in her name was a word SHarko. Not shower SHarko, but something another. The Whole picture was repeated, either as 14 years back. Became bloodshot the eye, up the lips. I with mad shout has run in ординаторскую. The Physicians of the saw coffee, merrily chattered. But I have broken their idilia. "Me bad! Much bad!" - I have knocked the fist on table. Coffee was moved aside aside. The White robes забегали, were go. I something gave and pain became to subside. Second preventive inscription appeared On cover of my hospital card

If I could only know then - in eightieth that practically any, any medicines cause beside person allergy!! "Significant, possible even dominating, a part of side phenomenas, conditioned medication, must be considered, as allergic". This is written in textbook on allergies black on white. "... the dominating part of side phenomenas, conditioned medication..." But name me please medication, which do not give absolutely no side phenomenas! Well name. Podnatuzhitesi. You will Not name... Such medication in nature does not exist. Any medication although something (let trace) yes breaks in human organism. Even most simple valeriana not so uzh and harmless if use her good while.

If at first valeriana acts like positively: becalms you, helps to find the losted balance then under long its using approaches already other effect...Appears not at all necessary you sleepiness, feeling pity, the general oppression and reduction to capacity to work. And this gives even valeriana! Probably one of best and the most harmless medicine. That then speak of other chemical preparation.

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Arterial hypertension
Bronchial asthma

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