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Destinies of allergy patients
Keep Igor! (Destiny the first)
Chapter №2: Sleepless nights
Nina Fedorovna for these nights vigils has grown old years on ten. You only imagine. At the child all body is covered by abscesses! They bleed. Bring to it mad sufferings. Mother is nearby and can help nothing to it...
Medicines which registered Игорьку, did not stop these pains, crusts with abscesses did not liquidate. And mum well knew it! One business to see, how the child suffers, and to amuse itself thought, that the help is close. Here supposedly only will reach such doctor and... Are rescued. But doctors varied one behind another, and rescue did not come! Though you burst!! - mum, for what to me such torments?!, - in отчаяньи the boy addressing to mother groaned. What he could tell in the answer?! That!! And Igor waited though for any answer. Though any explanation of this fallen upon it it is direct since the early childhood of a trouble. As writer Mate has told once Zalka - "the Person can transfer extreme sufferings and deprivations, but... But under one condition - if to it will give hope of fast enough and possible disposal of the troubles..."
Waited for such hope and the boy exhausted with the heavy illness. He waited for these words from the most native a being on light - from mum. But she could not deceive him. About treatment of an allergy by method Buteyko then in Belarus more very few who knew. And traditional means - antiallergic tablets and pricks only poisoned a children's organism! Often, laying nearby from Igor, Nina Fedorovna indignantly and bewilderment reflected. Why almost in all states on our blest earth of the government spend huge money for creation of rockets and tanks which urged to destroy (!) the person, and on medicine financing there are copecks... Unfortunate pennies?!!
All and everywhere shout and cry out about human rights. About the right to a worthy life and health... But on a science in medicine deduct from the budget hardly - hardly. In hospitals is not present in the necessary quantity of the good equipment. And after all if to scientific physicians have given such means what are given to the defensive industry people of years on hundred would live!
After all how many good already the science for people has made! One invention of phone of that costs... You, laying at home, can speak with the acquaintance in America or in Africa. A miracle, that for the invention phone. For certain and with an allergy of this accursed scientists in no time would understand, if them have filled up finansial with means, laboratories and necessary technics... About treatment of an allergy by a method Butejko Nina Fedorovna then yet did not hear.
And if knew history of working out of this miracle medicinal method would find in it only acknowledgement to own thoughts. After all elaborating the theory of illnesses of deep breath Buteyko conducted on the wonderful combine! Oh this wonderful combine. If millions patients suddenly have at once seen the present feature film about it! Would learn treatment of the allergy by method Buteyko on own experience!
What half-dead patients would see laid down on the couch of this combine entangled by wires and what normal people there were same patients through two good trainings any month - on a method...
Yes if millions patients have seen this miracle unless they would allow a small group of officials - of barbarians to break it on a part. And to fry in these parts dirty hospital linen!! And all this crime has been done in 1968 of our educated twentieth century! The decision on destruction of most unique of devices was accepted by physicians with ranks of doctors and candidates of medical sciences...
Treatment of an allergy by method Бутейко them then interested a little if softly to be expressed. And if to be expressed more precisely they simply fierce hatred have begun to hate the doctor to whom literally crowds (!) of the hardest sick were pulled.
And allergy, both asthmatics, and hypertensive persons, and стенокардики. It deduced from itself both professors, and candidates of sciences literally! How so? To them - venerable and eminent these crowds of patients do not go, and to Бутейко with tears break... Such forgive to Konstantin Pavlovichu clever colleagues could not. And, as, theoretically to defeat a method utterly it was impossible, have decided to break a miracle a combine!
Probably, those who will read these lines, with mistrust will concern the similar information. How it so?! People with the higher medical education, scientists, such get up... Method Buteyko it is similar, them does not interest at all
Alas, not only in the Middle Ages, those who tried to bear progress, from time to time burnt on fires! For Konstantin Pavlovich Butejko there was terrible moral blow a news that in collected by his hands a miracle - a combine fry now dirty hospital linen! It in a combine in which fourteen most complicated electronic devices synchronously worked!! The infra-red analyzer defined the maintenance of carbonic gas in inhaled and exhaled air each 0,08 seconds... Whether It is possible to imagine similar in 1967?! And now - in a year of 2008 m are not present it.
! Жизнь без таблеток и скальпеля !
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